Death is something all of us will have to deal with someday. It is certain. No one can escape. You can plan all kinds of things but one thing is certain, we will all die someday.
We will not know when we will die. Some might have to deal with illness and be told that they only have a certain span of time to live. Some might not know that they will suddenly die due to accidents or tragedies. Of course, some may choose to commit suicide but this is not what this post is all about.
Considering that we will all die someday, have you actually thought what will happen to you when you die? Either something happens or nothing happens. There is no mid-way thing. If you believe you have a soul, it either goes somewhere or nowhere. If you believe you have no soul, then probably nothing will happen. You just pass on and your body will be buried / cremated and that's it.
But really, have you really really considered what you will be thinking most if you are lying on death bed especially during your last moments? What would you want to see at your death bed? Perhaps all your monies stashed in the banks? Your fixed deposit certificates, your share certificates or your jewelleries? Your trophies of achievements? Your educational qualification certificates or doctorates? Your precious car which you have spend much money on? Your latest handphone or computer which you bought? would rather see your loved ones? People you most care about? Or even your friends? Relatives?
I suspect you will answer the latter. Answer yourself honestly.
Are you investing enough time with your loved ones? Or are you spending too much time chasing after the next bonus, increment, bigger house, bigger car, latest gadget, etc? Is your lifestyle balanced? As it is, on a conservative average, a person who sleeps 8 hours a day and goes to work for 9 hours (inclusive of travelling time) only has 7 hours left in a 24 hour day. It would be shorter if you work longer hours.
Ponder and think if that is what life is meant to be.... (thank you for reading till the end. but seriously, do think about it)