Friday, October 06, 2006
posted by PabloPabla at 5:53 pm

It's Mooncake Festival today! I just got back from Melaka after attending a hearing in Court there. Don't have much time to blog now. Just wanna wish my readers a Happy Mooncake Festival!

By the way, it's also our 5th Wedding Anniversary today! Woohoo! Time flies and it has been great! Thank God for His planning and giving me such a wonderful wife and a devoted mother to our 2 daughters!



At 6:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

i'm the first

i forget to buy for my gf's parents...and buying last minute mooncake is not a bright idea..


At 6:54 pm, Blogger PabloPabla

anon : Yes you are the first! Happy Mooncake Festival! Take them out for dinner instead :)


At 9:19 pm, Blogger Wuching

happy mooncaking!


At 12:06 am, Blogger Arena Green

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to u too! I'm still not late - one more minute to midnite actually .. yeyy!

And also happy anniversary too - may u be blessed with many more happy ones to come. :)


At 11:00 am, Blogger PabloPabla

wuching and anak : Oh yes! Sudah makan a lot of mooncakes liao :)


At 2:40 pm, Blogger RyeUrn

Happy Anniversary!!


At 2:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

Happy anniversary! This also tells that the last I saw you was 5 years ago. When are you coming to visit aunty???


At 3:14 pm, Blogger PabloPabla

hijackqueen : He!He! 5 years past and gone. So near yet so far...u guys now staying in Bak Kut Teh Land?