Thursday, December 28, 2006
posted by PabloPabla at 5:12 pm

This is my last post for the year 2006! Time flies ain't it? Tomorrow I am on leave as I am going recce to Swiss Garden Resort & Spa Damai Laut for next year's Church Camp. Gonna be fun.

Whilst I am away on holiday, it will also be a time to reflect on the year that has pass. Amongst other things will be my involvement in blogging which has taken off this year with a bang! It's great to be able to meet so many friends through blogs as well as to share information with one another.

Now, talking about this blogging thingy, this must-have-own-domain disease which I contracted from 5xmom is making me finger-itchy and wallet-drying. To prepare myself for the hosting and domain buying exercise, I have indulged in PayPerPost and will embark on an ego-boosting exercise in 2007 when I have my own domain.

The headache is this: I have 2 main blogs which is this Whatever and that Hochiak!. The former has pr4 whilst the latter has pr3. I think the former is more long lasting as I can blab and blub about anything but the latter will require continuous experimenting in the kitchen for good food to come out in order to sustain the postings. Since the latter is about good food, I am flirting with the idea of putting food reviews there instead of here. are still reading till here. Thanks.

So, which blog shall I dot-com first? This or Hochiak?? I know some will say get two sekali. But then hor, I am still a full-time lawyer. This blog thingy must not take up too much of my time. So, one will do.

And then hor...which host shall I plunge my dot-com into? Bryan is a nice guy and 5xmom recommended him to me. Afterall, her empire resides in his kingdom. Mumsgather is also housed there. So, I might very well ask him to save a little patch of hard disk space for me. But then, should I even consider other hosts??? Minishorts is thinking also and shaolintiger has made some recommendations. Every other hosts look as good.

How ah? Can you spare me some headache and give me some advice so that when moi comes back next year, moi will have all the answers when moi open moi's mailbox and unleash the comments. At least, that will be your kind new year present to me. Merci beaucorp!

Till then, Happy New Year to you! Since I won't be online till after the new year (unless I spring a surprise), I shall reply to you "Happy New Year to You too!!".

P/s: Don't drink and drive!



At 5:46 pm, Blogger Wingz

happy nuyar loyar taikor!


At 8:54 pm, Blogger wonda

Just copied your comments in my "The Valley of Baca" post today. Thanks.


At 9:24 am, Blogger RyeUrn

Happy New Year Gary!

Do a first then get some food-freak to sponsor your Hochiak!

Looking forward to your new domain.


At 1:23 am, Blogger Arena Green

Isn't it wonderful that life is full of choices? Happy New Year Pablopabla!!


At 8:08 am, Blogger backStreetGluttons

if u can read this while still in Damai Laut quickly hop to Senangin Beach nearby if not already done so. the beach is trylt awesome, or yr money back !

Happy New year !


At 9:46 am, Blogger PabloPabla

wingz : Kong hei fatt choi!

wonda : Glad it is of use :)

yreurn : Now people know it's Gary :P

anak : Yeah, God is so creative that He allows us to choose :)

team bsg : Too late! But will bear that in mind the next time I go to that area :)


At 10:20 am, Blogger PP

Happy New Year Pablo! I agree - do first because food ones can get overwhelming over time. All the best for the coming year!


At 9:02 pm, Blogger Samm

Bryan's fine. I bought 3 domains recently and all up n running adi. Also hosted by him. Go with this one 1st lah, then the rest slowly. If only i can .com my current blog, but sorry.... taken wohhh. how sadddd.