Thursday, January 25, 2007
posted by PabloPabla at 8:37 am

It is sad to read about people committing suicide due to depression. They must have come to a point where they feel that everything is hopeless and death is the only way to ease their misery. The latest news about South Korean actress and pop singer U-Nee found hanged in her home last Sunday is probably another example. Apparently, people close to her have testified to her suffering from depression.

Another situation which many people do not realise is post-natal depression, which is very common amongst mothers who had undergone child-birth. I think whilst there are commendable pre-natal courses for mothers to be, there is insufficient education and warning to mothers to be about post-natal depression syndromes. Even women who have no post-natal depression with their earlier births may have post-natal depression with the later births. One of our church members is currently on medication due to post-natal depression. I don't think there is any suicidal tendencies here but the adjustment to the new addition to the family will take a longer time.

Talk to someone who is having or could be heading towards depression. Give them a listening ear. It helps.



At 12:04 pm, Blogger Wuching

hb from suffers from depression but he's seeking treatment now


At 12:05 pm, Blogger Wuching

hb from suffers from depression but he's seeking treatment now