Friday, February 23, 2007
posted by PabloPabla at 11:40 pm

Wah! I got a blown up nose during this Chinese New Year when I opened up my email box. Apparently, PPP has recognised me (ahem!) as an outstanding PPP Postie and thus, my posts are now auto-approved by the system. These guys at PPP really know how to make their posties feel good.

I mean, they are one of the most innovative lot and I dare say, their programme is probably the market leader at this point of time. If you are a blogger and you have yet to join the bandwagon as a PPP Postie, why not just sign up and give it a try and see what is all this fuss about. Just write one post and see if it is worth the while. To sign up, you can just click on any of the PPP buttons or adverts which appear on this site. Better still, just click on the "review my post" badge below this post and write a review about this very post that you are reading. PPP will pay you $7.50 for doing that. Serious!



At 5:28 pm, Blogger

Hahaha, I was also on Cloud 9 when I got 24 mails at one shot. So dem bangga.