Apart from bomb, please also ensure that you doubly check your bags for anything which is explosive in nature. No C4s, of course.
However, I still vaguely remember when I was about 13 years old and was travelling by plane back to my hometown for Chinese New Year. Having bought some fierce rocket firecrackers (variant of "moon traveller" which can fly quite far) (there was no ban on firecrackers then), I decided to take 3 sticks along to my hometown to show my cousins. I placed them in the luggage and did not feel it necessary to tell my parents. Hey, I didn't even know it was an offence, okay? But when I reached my hometown and having duly set the rocket to flight and enjoying every bit of the moment, I somehow spoke about shipping the 3 rockets to my parents during a conversation.
What greeted me was a real EARFUL! I could have unintentionally caused the flight to blow up! Little did I realise what danger I had brought. Of course, that was the one and only time I did so.
Parents, if you have kids and intend to travel by flight, do double check the bags please prior to check-in. You never know what your kids might put into the bags!
Technorati Tags : Airline , Bomb , Safety