Thursday, September 27, 2007
posted by PabloPabla at 2:40 pm

I've been away for a vacation for about 10 days and have been without internet access for most of that time. My...I think I've lost touch with what's been happening in the blogosphere. So many news and blogs to catch up with and not forgetting updating my own blogs as well. One of which is to upgrade to Wordpress 2.3 for my blogs hosted on wordpress. Well, at least Blogger does not trouble me with that.

So, how have you been doing? Miss me? Wuahahahahahah!



At 4:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

You really missed a lot... especially the "Walk"... welcome back!


At 4:30 pm, Blogger Mumsgather

A 10 day vacation? Thats nice. I never upgrade my wordpress because I'm just too afraid of messing up my blog. Haha. So its still the old old old version. :P