So, I signed up. I want to support something homegrown. As what they say, below:-
Need to make more money with your blog? Tired of international blog advertising programs that display advertisements irrelevant to your blog readers? Tired of making little money from international online advertising programs, because there aren’t enough advertisers for your region?
Advertlets provides targeted advertising through the means of real time demographics profiling for your blog - meaning, you get local advertisers, matched with the target audience for your blog. We wouldn’t show ads on your blog for make-up and high heels if we found you had 80% male visitors, for instance.
Looks good to me. I would be very interested in stuffs more relevant to Malaysia.
However, having signed up, I was asked to update my profile before certain functions could work. Or something like that. That was when I was rather disappointed.
You see, nothing wrong with the upper part of the profiles page. Later, it gets really too private for my comfort. Questions like profession, mobility??, relationship status??, children, race, religion and monthly income are just like what appears in forms issued by the government! Why should these details be required? PayPerPost, which is arguably the leading advertiser / blogger programme does not require it. Neither does Blogsvertise and Loudlaunch.
I hope the admin guys see this feedback of mine. I stopped short of completing the details and I won't fill them unless they are removed. These details should be removed, unless you want people to suspect that you are working for the special branch or the inland revenue board ;)